3 Myths About Vegetarian Diets BUSTED!

The vegetarian diet has numerous misconceptions surrounding it. Don’t let these myths discourage you from trying this dietary approach. Read on to discover the most common myths and what scientific research has to say about them.

Myth #1: The Vegetarian Diet Does Not Provide Enough Protein

Many vegetarian options provide protein equivalent to meat. There are plenty of satiating and protein-rich vegetarian ingredients that you can include in your meals. From soy and tofu to lentils and pulses- the options are endless! Other filling vegetarian protein sources include eggs and dairy products such as plain Greek yoghourt and cottage cheese.

Myth #2: Vegetarian Diet Guarantees Weight Loss

A vegetarian diet done right can certainly help you lose weight. However, weight loss is not a guarantee. Food like potato chips and other crisps do not contain animal products. So, consuming them is not against the vegetarian approach. However, these foods are high in calories and work against your weight loss goals.

According to studies, the principle for weight loss is eating in a calorie deficit with plenty of exercises. A vegetarian diet can aid in the same.

Myth #3: Going Veg Is Boring

A diet sans meat is NOT dull. With so many ingredients to try and numerous recipes to experiment with, the vegetarian diet is far from underwhelming. Try foods and flavours that are new to you. Unconventional fruits and veggies can make the whole process exciting.

Do not fall into the trap of myths. The vegetarian diet is one of the best diets anyone can follow.